You don’t need an MFA to write well, but feedback and community are cornerstones to generating publishable work. If you need feedback for your evolving manuscript, editorial notes for a finished book, or guidance on how to organize your vision, I can help. I offer comprehensive editing and coaching services to support you with your projects, regardless of its genre, whether you're an author with several books, an emerging writer, or an aspiring one. I can help you harness the time you have and recommit to the work you want to do. With three full length collections and four chapbooks behind me, I offer feedback born from experience. The art of close reading is one I’ve cultivated over years of working as a poetry critic as well as a writing workshop facilitator. I can offer you specific advice on individual poems or chapters while also zooming out to suggest new ways for you to think about book structures, poem order, character development, plot, and more. Although I identify as a poet, I also meet my clients with over twenty years of background as a literature instructor, and I’ve helped several prose writers develop their projects.

Manuscript Services 

Photograph by Adam Thorman

Photograph by Adam Thorman

Consulting Packages

  • You will receive a free 15 minute initial consultation and a 2-3 page letter response to your manuscript. While this feedback will not include line edits or notes on individual pages, you will receive detailed comments on themes, book organization, chapter/poem order, titles, literary device and form efficacy, and a list of constructive questions / suggestions.

  • You will receive a free 15 minute initial consultation, a 3+ page letter response to your manuscript, and feedback on many individual lines, poems, and/or pages. You will also receive comments on themes, book organization, chapter/poem order, titles, literary device and form efficacy, a list of constructive questions on what material you might cut or better develop, and thoughts about next steps.

  • You will receive a free 15 minute initial consultation, a 3+ page letter response to your manuscript, and a final 45 minute in-person or Zoom collaboration meeting. I will close read every poem or chapter, and offer specific feedback on individual lines; significant pages and project arcs; thematic and motif textures; book organization; chapter/poem order; titles; literary device and form efficacy; and plot development. The letter will include a list of constructive questions on what material you might cut or better develop, thoughts about next revision steps, and advice on how to market and pitch your book.

Individual Poems

I also offer detailed feedback on individual poem packets of 3-6 poems, or approximately $20 a poem.

$50 for 3 poems or $120 for 6 poems. You can expect line edits and detailed feedback for each poem, as well as a list of craft questions and suggestions for your work.

For an “immersive” individual poem package, $160 will cover 6 poems, detailed feedback, and a 45 minute phone or zoom collaboration discussion of your work.