
  • Raw Anyone

    “The poems in Alex Mattraw’s third full-length collection Raw Anyone offer the reader a deep poetic examination of the social and environmental toxins that affect our lives during these pandemic times. In “A Room, after Virginia Woolf,” the author implores, “Knock the head-room. / I ask you to live.” This compelling poetry collection burns with detoxifying intelligence and heart.”

    —Maw Shein Win, author of Storage Unit for the Spirit House (Omnidawn)

  • We fell into weather

    “Alexandra Mattraw’s We fell into weather is not only essential reading for its presentation of how an individual’s experiences can offer insight into some of the most critical challenges we face today. Her use of image, detail, the placement of language on the page, her diction choices, and her variations regarding syntax—each formal choice contributes to creating a constellation of difference that exposes not only unexpected revelations regarding the speaking agent’s interior perceptions, but also the social environment in which these scenes of intimacy and obsession, history and fantasy, are set. As we read, we can begin to perceive how, in our own lives, the forms which we each use to create our understanding of ourselves and our place in the culture we inhabit are as active in opening or limiting our lives as anything in the world we face today.”

    —Rusty Morrison, Omnidawn editor and author of the RISK

  • small siren

    "In Alexandra Mattraw's much-awaited first book, small siren, we encounter a poet of extraordinary observation and inquiry. An enchantment and engagement with the world commences: 'when is a voice a piano,' 'repetition needs to believe,' 'what grew before you could speak' build a kind of groundswell where Mattraw puts her ear to the hardscape of 21st century America and its global environs: Sao Paolo, Iceland, New Zealand. Ultimately, notions of country and categories break down. What we find is heresy, hearsay, and yes, wishes. Throughout, what survives is a relationship of love and courage, of errors and triumph. A human relationship of lovers, of family. This is a book of wonder and awe and strength. When the world goes down, I want to be in Alexandra Mattraw's boat."

    —Gillian Conley, author of Notes from the Passenger (Nightboat Books)

Selected Writing

Lana Turner, Issue 16, poems

The Brooklyn Rail, collaboration w/ Tiff Dressen

Diagram, poem

Posit, Issue 36, VOIDS collaboration w/ Adam Thorman

Tupelo Quarterly, poems, interview, collaborations

Clade Song, Issue 12, poems + audio

VOLT, Issue 26, poems

The Racket, Issue 69, poem + audio

Heavy Feather Review, collaborative interview with Jake Syersak

Jacket2, review of Claire Marie Stancek’s Oil Spell

Posit, poems

Across the Margins, poems

Verse, poem

alice blue, poems

Talisman Magazine, conversation on Donna de la Perrière with Tiff Dressen

The Volta, review of Barbara Tomash’s Arboreal

Word For/Word, review of Andrew Zawacki’s Petals of Zero Petals of One

Photograph by Adam Thorman